Long before Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton had already used the theme park setting for another cautionary tale about robots and artificial intelligence going rogue. It started as a screenplay, which Michael Crichton directed himself as the movie Westworld. It was the first movie ever to use computer generated graphics. Without his involvement, it was followed bu a (terrible) sequel titled Futureworld and an (even worse) TV series called Beyond Westworld, of which only three out of its five episodes were aired before the show was cancelled.


 In 2016, Jonathan Nolan brought back Westworld in a reboot set 40 years after the first movie (the same time that passed in real life). Just as the first film, this 4-season TV series was ahead of its time in the way it addressed societal issues related to robotics and artificial intelligence. See for example  https://intellectdiscover.com/content/journals/10.1386/jspc_00030_1